
A service is one or more processes handling a common task. These processes operate as a tightly-coupled whole.

All processes in a service will generally:

  • Share the same API class definitions
  • Moreover, they will normally share the same codebase
  • Create a single instance of the bus client in using bus = lightbus.create().

For example, your company may have the following:

  • An online store
  • A price monitoring script
  • An image resizing resizing process

Each of these would be a service.

The store service would have a web process and a Lightbus process. The image resizing service & and price monitoring services would each likely have a Lightbus process only.

A simple lightbus deployment could therefore look something like this:

A simple Lightbus deployment

In this example the following actions would take place:

  • Django reads from the web service database in order to serve web content
  • The online shop's Lightbus process receives pricing events from the price monitoring service. It updates products in the database using this new pricing data.
  • When the Django app receives an image upload, it performs a RPC to the image resizing service to resize the image1.

  1. Making the Django process wait for an RPC to respond is probably a bad idea in this case, but it illustrates how it could be done. Using an event (which is fire-and-forget) could be more suitable in reality.