Plugin development

Plugins provide hooks into Lightbus' inner workings.

For example, the bundled StatePlugin hooks into the before_worker_start and after_worker_stopped hooks. The plugin uses these hooks to bus events indicating the state of the worker. A internal.state.worker_started event indicates a worker has started, and a internal.state.worker_stopped event indicates a worker has stopped. Consuming these events will provide a picture of the current state of workers on the bus.

Example plugin

Let's create a simple plugin which will print a configurable message to the console every time a message is sent.

This requires three steps:

  1. Define the plugin
  2. Make Lightbus aware of the plugin
  3. Configure the plugin

1. Define the plugin

Create the following in a python module (we'll assume it is at my_project.greeting_plugin):

from lightbus.plugins import LightbusPlugin

class GreetingPlugin(LightbusPlugin):
    """Print a greeting after every event it sent"""

    priority = 200

    def __init__(self, greeting: str):
        self.greeting = greeting

    def from_config(cls, config: "Config", greeting: str = "Hello world!"):
        # The arguments to this method define the configuration options which 
        # can be set in the bus' yaml configuration (see below)
        return cls(greeting=greeting)

    async def after_event_sent(self, *, event_message, client):
        # Print a simple greeting after an event is sent

2. Make Lightbus aware of the plugin

Lightbus is made aware of the plugin via an entrypoint in your project's pyproject.toml file:

# Your pyproject.toml file


    # `greeting_plugin` defines the plugin name in the config
    # `my_project.greeting_plugin` is your plugin's python module
    # `GreetingPlugin` is your plugins class name
    greeting_plugin = "my_project.greeting_plugin:GreetingPlugin"

Once you've made this change (or for subsequent modifications) you will need to run:

pip install .

This will setup the entry_points you have specified

3. Configure the plugin

You can configure your plugin in your bus' configuration YAML file (see the configuration reference). For example:




    # The 'enabled' configuration is available for all plugins, 
    # if set to 'false' the plugin will not be loaded.
    # Default is false
    enabled: true

    # Lightbus is aware of our `greeting` option as it reads it 
    # from our `from_config()` method above.
    # If we omit this it will have the default value of "Hello world!"
    greeting: "Hello world, I sent an event!"

Plugin hooks/methods

The following hooks are available. Each of these should be implemented as an asynchronous method on your plugin class.

For full reference see the LightbusPlugin class

  • before_parse_args
  • receive_args
  • before_worker_start
  • after_worker_stopped
  • before_rpc_call
  • after_rpc_call
  • before_rpc_execution
  • after_rpc_execution
  • before_event_sent
  • after_event_sent
  • before_event_execution
  • after_event_execution
  • exception