When we refer to an API, we are referring to an Api class definition. All functionality on the bus is defined using APIs.

For example, consider an API for support tickets within a company's help desk:

class TicketApi(Api):
    ticket_created = Event(parameters=('id', 'sender', 'subject', 'body'))

    class Meta:
        name = 'help_desk.ticket'

    def get(self, id):
        return get_ticket_from_db(pk=id)

This API defines an event, a procedure, and the name used to address the API on the bus. The help desk service could define multiple additional APIs as needed (perhaps for listing help desk staff or retrieving reports).

API registration & authoritative/non-authoritative APIs

An API can be registered with your service's bus client as follows:

import lightbus
from my_apis import HelpDeskApi

bus = lightbus.create()

# Register the API with your service's client

Registering an API will:

  1. Allow you to fire events on the API using the service's client
  2. Cause the lightbus worker for this service (i.e. lightbus run) to respond to remote procedure calls on the registered API

We say that a service which registers an API is authoritative for that API. Services which do not register a given API are non-authoritative for the API. Both authoritative and non-authoritative services can listen for events on any API and call remote procedures on any API.

For example, a separate online store service could not fire the help_desk.ticket_created event on the API we defined above. Nor would you reasonably expect the online store to services remote procedure calls for help_desk.ticket_created().


Preventing the online store service from responding to remote procedure calls for the help desk service makes sense. There is no reason the online store should have any awareness of the help desk, so you would not expect it to respond to remote procedure calls regarding tickets.

Therefore, the logic for allowing only authoritative services to respond to remote procedure calls is hopefully compelling.

The case for limiting event firing to authoritative services is one of architecture, maintainability, and consistency:

  • Allowing any event to be fired by any service within your organisation could quickly lead to spiraling complexity.
  • The authoritative service will always have sufficient information to guarantee basic validity of an emitted message (for example, the event exists, required parameters are present etc). As a result errors can be caught earlier, rather than allowing them to propagate onto the bus and potentially impact distant services.

We welcome discussion on this topic, open a GitHub issue if you would like to discuss this further.