How to schedule recurring tasks

Recurring tasks can be scheduled in two ways:

  • The @bus.client.every() decorator – Will execute a function or coroutine at a given interval
  • The @bus.client.schedule() decorator – Similar to every(), but takes complex schedules as provided by the schedule library.

Simple recurring tasks using @bus.client.every()

Lightbus natively supports simple recurring tasks using the @bus.client.every() decorator:

import lightbus

bus = lightbus.create()

def do_it():

The interval can be specified using the seconds, minutes, hours, and days keys. Pass also_run_immediately=True to execute the function/coroutine immediately, as well as at the given interval.

Complex schedules using @bus.client.schedule()

Lightbus also supports using schedules specified using the schedule library. This allows for schedules such as 'every Monday at 1am', rather than simple intervals. For example:

import lightbus
import schedule

bus = lightbus.create()

# Run the task every 1-3 seconds, varying randomly
def do_it():
    print("Hello using schedule library")

Long running tasks

If your tasks are long running you may prefer to handle these in a separate Lightbus process. This will avoid blocking the processing of incoming events and RPCs.

For example, the default RPC timeout is 5 seconds. Any task which runs for longer than this has the possibility of causing incoming RPCs to timeout.

You can move your task processing to a separate process as follows:

# Process 1: Handles scheduled tasks only
lightbus run --only tasks

# Process 2: Handles everything else (events and rpcs)
lightbus run --skip tasks