Architecture tips

These tips draw some core concepts from the [Domain Driven Design] and [CQRS] patterns. We only scape the surface of these patterns here, but the ideas covered below are the ones the Lightbus maintainers found most useful when using Lightbus.

There is a lot more to be said on each point. The intent here is to provide a digestible starting point.

Use common data structures

Create structures which represent the data you wish to transmit. Both [NamedTuples] and [dataclasses] work well for this purpose.

For example:

from typing import NamedTuple

class Customer(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    email: str
    age: int

You can then take advantage of Lightbus' schema checking and data casting:

import lightbus

class CustomerApi(lightbus.Api):

    class Meta:
        name = "customer"

    def create(customer: Customer):
        # Lightbus will ensure the incoming data conforms to
        # Customer, and will cast the data to be a Customer object

You would call the customer.create() API as follows:

import lightbus
bus = lightbus.create()

    customer=Customer(name="Joe", email="", age=54)

This provides a standard way of communicating shared concepts across your services.


You can still send and receive events even if you do not have the data strucuture available. To send you can simply use a dictionary:

    customer={"name": "Joe", "email": "", "age": 54}

Likewise, an RPC or event listener without type hints will simply receive a dictionary.

See also use a monorepository.

Decide on boundaries

Your services will likely use an assortment of entities. It is common for these to map to database tables or [ORM] classes. For example, you may have Customer, Address, Order, and OrderLine entities (and probably many more). You will need to pass these between your services, but how should you structure them in order to do so? Do pass them individually, or combine them into a hierarchy? Do you sometimes omit some fields for brevity, or not?

Take the following events for example:

  • customer.signup(customer) – Does the customer object include the address(es)?
  • order.shipped(order) – Does the order object contain each line item?
  • order.line_item_deleted(order, line_item) – Do we need to pass line_item here, or should the line items be included within order?

This is a simple example with only four entities. In a real-world system it is very easy to end up passing around data in forms which become increasingly bloated, inconsistent, and complex.

You can mitigate this by grouping your entities together in a way that makes logical sense for your situation. These are your aggregates. Decide on these aggregates in advance, and stick to it.

For example, we may group the Customer, Address, Order, and OrderLine entities as follows:

  • A Customer aggregate. Each Customer contains an address field, which is an Address entity.
  • An Order aggregate. Each Order contains a line_items field, which is a list of OrderLine entities.

The Customer and Order aggregates also will likely contain other fields not listed above (such as name, email, or quantity).

You should only ever pass around the top level aggregates.


  • Identify aggregates with UUIDs
  • Do not enforce foreign keys between aggregates. Your application code will need to deal with inconsistencies gracefully (likely in it's user interface).
  • It is likely still a good idea to use sequential integer primary keys in your RDBMS
  • Do not share database-level sequential integer primary keys with other servces

Writes are special

Writes are inherently different to reads in a distributed system. Reading data is generally straightforward, whereas data modifications need to be propagated to all concerned services.

Reading data looks broadly like this:

  1. Read data from storage (disk, ORM, memory etc)
  2. Perhaps transform the data
  3. Display the data, or send it somewhere

An initial attempt at writing data may look like this:

  1. Write the data locally
  2. Broadcast the change (Lightbus event or RPC)
  3. Other services receive & apply the change

The downside of this approach is that you have two write paths (writing locally and broadcasting the change). If either of these fails then your services will have an inconsistent view of the world.

A more CQRS-based approach to writing data looks like this:

  1. Broadcast the change (Lightbus event)
  2. Services (including the broadcasting service) receive & apply the change

The benefit of this approach is that either the change happens or it does not. Additionally all applications share the same write path, which reduces overall complexity. A downside is that changes can take a moment to be applied, so changes made by a user may not be immediately visible.

Use a monorepository

A monorepository is a repository which stores all your services, rather than having one repository per service. There are pros and cons to this approach and you should perform your own research. The relevant benefits to Lightbus (and distributed architectures in general) are:

  • Atomic commits across multiple services – useful when a change to one service affects another.
  • Easier sharing of data structures – this provides a shared language across all of your services. These data structures can be used as type hints on your events and RPCs, which Lightbus will automatically cast data into.
  • Sharing of APIs – in some cases you may wish for multiple services fire events on the same API. In this case each of these services will need to have access to the API class. (See API registration & authoritative/non-authoritative APIs)
  • Sharing of global bus configuration – similar to sharing data structures, your global bus configuration YAML file can likewise be available to all services.