
Lightbus creates a schema for each of your APIs using the type hints specified on the API. This schema is shared on the bus for consumption by other Lightbus clients. This provides a number of features:

  • The availability of a particular API can be detected by remote clients
  • RPCs, results, and events transmitted on the bus can be validated by both the sender and receiver
  • Tooling can load the schema to provide additional functionality. For example, you can dump your production schema and run your development environment and tests against it.

Note that an API's schema will only be available on the bus while there is a worker running to provides it. Once the worker process for an API shuts down the schema on the bus will be cleaned up shortly thereafter.

See also

See the schema reference section for details on how this works in practice.

The schema is created using the JSON schema format, see the schema protocol for details of the transmission format.